Maternal and Foetal Medicine is a relatively new subspeciality of obstetrics. Maternal medicine deals with management of medical disorders in pregnancy. Foetal medicine treats the unborn baby as an individual patient and strives to ensure complete well being of the same. The tools involved are serum screening (double marker/ quadruple test), specialized ultrasound scans and assessment of maternal conditions which could impact foetal well being.
An effort is made to optimize foetal well being by optimizing the medical condition of expectant mothers. The services offered include:
Fetal Wellness Clinic at 12 weeks
NT/NB Scan, Double Marker, Non Invasive or Invasive Testing as desired.
12 weeks period of gestation of pregnancy is an important time to assess both maternal and foetal well being. It also gives an opportunity to identify the mother’s risk of developing pregnancy complications like preeclampsia (high blood pressure) or Intrauterine growth restriction (Decreased growth of baby). We can also pick up major structural malformations in the baby like non development of skull or herniation of intestines outside of abdomen.
A combination of ultrasound findings like nuchal transluscency, nasal bone, ductus venosus Doppler and tricuspid regurgitation along with biomarkers can help predict the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus.
Prenatal screening for aneuploidies and detectable syndromes and structural malformations
It will involve two ultrasounds, one at 12 weeks and second between18-20 weeks and tailor-made tests including Double Marker, Quadruple Test, N.I.P.T. and Invasive Testing
Preclampsia and Preterm Labour Screening
This is done by routine measurements of uterine artery Doppler and cervical length
Foetal imaging to assess fetal health
Invasive Procedures
Genetic counselling
Counselling is given to mothers who have previous babies with any chromosomal abnormality, genetic syndrome or birth defect.
Pre pregnancy evaluation and preconceptional counselling
Our centre also provides preconceptional counselling to women suffering from certain medical diseases or those that have a bad obstetric history so that best outcome can be achieved in subsequent pregnancy. We also offer preconceptional counselling in cases of -
Supervision of high risk pregnancy
Foetal therapy